Before you ask: No, I have no idea why the text changes size toward the bottom of this post -I've retyped and changed it several times!
Oh boy, is this going to be a BIG post! It was pointed out to me that a great deal of the German comic posts I wrote had either vanished or lost most of their images. I have no idea why -it seems to be a Blogger thing as it never happened over at WordPress (but a LOT of other things did).
I am still looking at up-dating the Scream post -where a German publisher took the title for Germany- and the Vulcan becoming Kobra post. All of which have suffered at the hands of Blogger -who do not seem to want to discuss the problems.
Anyway, it gives me the chance to answer a couple questions.
Firstly: "Why are you mentioning these other German characters? If you published the first German super heroes/team then shouldn't you just be posting about that?"
I just stared and racked my brains because I had NEVER heard of the character. How did I miss him? WHAAAT?! Then a bit more digging and I found out. Not an actual comic character.
So I like to see these things and other people's take on super heroes in Germany. I do not have the exclusive rights to creating German super heroes! That would be rather dull.
If I had the chance, yes, if it was paying work, I would sit down and write/draw D-Gruppe and the characters that revolve around the group until I drop dead at my drawing board aged 110 with the final panel of a story with all the solutions, unfinished.
It's the way I roll.
I was asked by Ekki what plans I had for D-Gruppe following the mini series and 2012 Annual -all events taking place
before The Return of the Gods graphic novel?
Well, the important thing for me was to get the old stories that have been lying around for a couple decades, and which establish D-Gruppe, out in print first. The whole
Revenge Of The Ice Queen followed by the
Zeitgeist saga established a great deal and led into two main books:
The Trial and, of course,
The Return of the Gods: Twilight of the Super Heroes.
The Trial was originally published in the mid-1990s in four parts though it had been intended to serialise it before in the comic project
JAG 2000 (long story). In this story, which I am NOT going to go into details of because it is currently being re-lettered (originally hand lettered but that is too poor a quality to offer readers today), the D-Gruppe members are seen inter-acting with the UK heroes and, in fact, the UK heroes travel to Germany to help D-Gruppe and heroes first glimpsed in the Zeit Geist story.
But important changes to BT characters took place in this story -how did Wavell get that huge facial scar we see in Return? How did Tech-Man get replaced by Rachel Flynn? Even the ending links all the D-Gruppe storylines to Return.
The Trial should be out as a graphic novel in December of this year (2013).
Hopefully, the very -very- long delayed appearance of Task Force Germany will have taken place before then. The first story should have appeared in 1994 but there were delays -initially Art Wetherell was to draw the book but had to opt out and a couple other artists stepped in
but there were problems.
Back in 1982 I was sending project proposals, character sketches and so on to Marvel Comics. At that point i saw working for my all time favourite comic as the star to aim for. What a dim-wit! Anyway, I wanted to develop the silent character, The Attacker, and I thought Marvel might go for a comic in which everything was visual -no caption boxes, speech balloons, etc.. The character was shortish and wore a skin-tight black costume with large white eye-holes.
I was a little shocked when I saw the black costumed Spider-man emerge a couple years later. But that’s comics. The other character I tried to convince Epic Comics (part of Marvel) was really “great” -the creator owned line had started up in 1982 so I got straight to it. Marvel had rejected The Attacker -“no comic fan is going to buy a comic where you never find out the characters real identity and there is no text!” but -BUT- surely a Lutheran priest (later changed to Catholic) that has some kind of strange, all-black creature linked to him would be a winner?
Considering what they were publishing I thought to feedback of “too dark” was just ridiculous. A year or so later came…Venom.
So the character who started out as German, had to be changed to an American reverted back to German. But there is a problem. If someone is the artist of a book and they have asked to work on your script -your characters- all and good. But, oh no, artists can be an odd lot.
“Yeah, I see him as a Nazi who was in charge of a concentration camp and was sent to Hell and he now hunts and kills Nazies(
sic)” was how one artist saw it. He even re-wrote everything to conform to his idea.
My response? “NO! You have the character details and you can choreograph action scenes freely BUT the story and the character ARE the story and the character”
And the response? “I can’t see it going anywhere the way you’ve written it. If we go with my idea I think this would be a sure hit!”
We parted company. Never heard of the man again.
Then another approached me having seen my sketch and idea on a German comic forum -for the life of me I cannot recall
what forum but I did get about a lot! “Love the script!” he wrote.
A month later I got pages through and a letter. “I think this works better than your idea. I see him as a Catholic priest, a paedophile who was also a drunk and embezzler. To cleanse his soul he makes a deal with lucifer….”
Oh dear.
Then the pages of a character that looked
exactly like Venom. This was not the look I had wanted or explained. Neither was there a scene anywhere in my script showing a terrified little girl on a bed as the priest disrobed!! I explained what the whole idea of the character was and that the whole story of the priest-amorph came out over the planned four issues in a big climax in Koln Cathedral.
“But that’s lame”, I was told, “the way I see it you have got to show people this guy is a ****** ****! Then you build on that. I can’t see it work your way.”
We parted company. I ought to point out that not only did the artist want to re-write everything and change character appearances and names but he also wanted that “Nazi element. Everyone knows Germans were Nazis!”
This is something I have come across over and over again in the last couple decades. I allways allow artists freedom to draw action scenes so long as the result fits in with the actual story/script -unless they really do need that action written for them. But I can think off-hand of fifteen artists I’ve worked with who have decided to re-write (badly) and make changes. Where are they now?
So, I decided that amorph and priest would become a part of the Task Force Germany team. Sadly, after a couple more stops and starts nothing came of it until now.
Leere (emptyness/blankness/void) was another problem. I tried explaining that the character is
not an invisible man and neither is he wearing a mask like the old Charlton Question character. You can see a vague “something” where the head is. But you could also see slightly through him. Clothes are the only solid texture on him/it/her.
There are several characters like this in Black Tower -a link I wanted to explore by now. Characters such as Nemesis (a Belgian character) and No Face from The Paranormals (published in
Tales Of Terror 3.

The other character was Donar (Thor) but a more traditional version exiled on Earth and living in ancient forestry. The exile would have been due to his objecting to the plans on Pax olympus that led to Return Of The Gods.
And, living in the forestry, Donar would have a problem with the theft of food by a real-life European wildman called…uh, Wildemann!
This little group would have been brought together by Simon LeCorbeau, a multi-billionaire with a long history in Black Tower -he appeared in the second Pete Forrest & Geni story back in 1986. And his choice to lead the team was…
Zauberinnen (Sorceress). Her origins were to be vague -was she a goddess or half-god or simply a supreme sorceress?
Her origins would be revealed towards the end of the first story arc but I do love to spin a mystery! A solo story -Tod Durch Bei Blind Verabredung or Death By Blind Date, would have revealed a few bits and pieces about the character in a back-up strip to have been drawn by Andrew Hope.
The Zeitgeist story had also established that heroes from other Earths had been stranded Black Towers Earth and there should have been stories establishing some of these -The Trial did so for some but Regenbogen Zauberer (Rainbow Wizard) never got to face the Storm giant in Germanys Höllental (Hell
valley -a real place).
There was also the question, considering that D-Gruppe was getting over-crowded and the members needed to be accommodated at more convenient locations around the country ot “where?”
Well, for Klaus von Happe no problem buying out of the way property to redevelop. One had its own storyline -“Spukhaus” or Ghost House. What the heck was a house like this doing out in the middle of forestry?
And -haunted? Well there is the Red Ghost…this old rough shows him. Though he may well become the Green Ghost and it is a character that last appeared in a 2002 (?) copy of Adventure and the Ten Dancing Monkeys story.
And the mystery surrounding Waldmeister should have grown when his brother (referred to in The Revenge Of The Ice Queen) Meer Peter (Sea Peter)…and another big jewelled staff!
But the characters seen in Zeit Geist were to change slightly. David Holmes was a solicitor/lawyer when he was introduced in the story “The Owl” back in 1987 -he adopted the Owl guise in a rather violent pursuit of a murderer. When he turned up in Zeit Geist he is merely a lawyer for von Happe Industries who helps out on some cases.
Above -the new and more violent Owl and below -Ollie the Owlcraft!
But there were newer characters independent of previous stories such as Adam Ewigkeit who had a very brief cameo in issue 2 of D-Gruppe, Herrc Spinne, Der Racher, Tom Katze und Kätzchen…well, the D-Gruppe world would be well populated.
All the rough sketches I’ve now found so I’m hoping that the new characters will appear fairly soon and we have to remember that some of D-Gruppe, including Kopfmann its leader, vanished into space during the Return Of The Gods story. Where are they? Will they return?
“The Days Of Darkness” story should have been told by now but I’m planning and D-Gruppe will quite literally be shaken to the core by what happens.
And there is planned a couple of brief glimpses at the D-Gruppe of a darker Earth Parallel (EP667) -from which readers have already seen a far more different Link character.

All with Ben Dilworth on board so that the original team is back together! Had Bastei actually published D-Gruppe and had that title continued we’d now be over twenty years into continuity! Curse you Bastei!!!
:-/Below, a glimpse of D-Gruppe EP667 courtesy of Ben Dilworth.
There was also the question of getting a permanent design for a D-Gruppe flier-transport so a quirky design was this one….
Though a sleeker model could be based on the below which I think are quite cool and “futuristic” without becoming too science fiction.
As a final note on characters to have been introduced I have only two rough pages left featuring a character rejected by Eros Comix because “its more humour not porn” -Devilina. Independent of any D-Gruppe or Task Force Germany, Devilina would be a character popping up all over the place as well as in solo adventures.
Now, this posting is getting rather long but I hope it has shown that D-Gruppe was by no means a small idea that never developed!
All images, characters, designs (except the stealth aircraft!) are (c) 2013 Terry Hooper-Scharf and Black Tower Comics & Books
When the above edition of Black Tower Adventure volume 2 appeared I had high hopes. Of course, thanks to printers who do not carry out quality control checks any longer (printing as a trade has really gone down hill in the last twenty years) this cover and contents had to be re-jigged.
Still, I was an enthusiastic bunny.
Must have been the medication.
You see, I thought that now there was a higher standard of print quality I could get on with a project I had been nurturing since 1985. Getting my books to Germany. I had contributed some strips to Small Press titles back then, though I've no idea what appeared where or even "if" -it was all letters and people moving addresses a LOT back then (and that includes me -I was 48 years old before I had my first "permanent home" and could un-box things).
Bastei was the main company I dealt with and I have, in past posts, outlined what happened. Negative things included Germany's First Super Hero Group -D-Gruppe falling into limbo when Egmont bought Bastei and all "kids books" got dropped.