According to Steve Thomas of The Comic Project "The Black Tower Adventure series is a ten issue
But despite all attempts these comics just do not sell. Apart from review copies send out not one has ever
been sold (and only two of the 'reviewers' who asked for copies did review them. So as part of clearing things
out of the way the Adventure titles will be deleted this month. Only copies existing then will be the box full I
A few other titles are set for deletion because the online store has 90 books over 9 pages and it is pointless
keeping even a virtual store that full so as soon as I order my archive copies (some to sell off at higher prices later)
they will be deleted. The bulky Tom Elmes and John Erasmus books will probably be first.
You see, I have the only existing copies then the books ARE very rare and I've made no money being an honest
publisher so time to get devious -after all, a few of my old small press Adventures have sold for £30+ (no, even I don't
get that because I have a good few extra copies I printed off for myself back in the 1980s and they are all
safe in my Small Press collection).
He's talking about these. And he is quite right. The book was Black Tower's flag-ship title yet it was never pushed
or publicised as some other books so....why not?
All the books are A4 with a card cover so are given the European classification of Comic Albums. All have between
50+ to 80 pages and yet, as part of Black Tower's "fair deal" for comic fans the series all have the same cover price
of £7.00 -even the first issue. Adventure was intended as a springboard for trying out different characters but to provide
a good read for those into comics.
Now the details!
Black Tower Adventure 1
Pages 67
Binding: Saddle-stitch
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.26 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 20.98 wide x 29.69 t
Price: £7.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days
In 1984 the A5 (digest sized) Black Tower Adventure first appeared featuring some later-to-be top UK
comic book and was a must-read in Small Press circles and sold so well that even the publisher does not
have a full run!
The title was put on hiatus in 2007 but in 2010 was relaunched, bigger and better than ever!
This first issue of volume 2 contains: Part 1 of the mega series Return Of The Gods:Twilight Of The Super Heroes
which comes in at 43 pages!Thaddeus Twatt In The Twatt-Verse -first part of a truly microscopic titanic tales (which
makes sense if you read it!). And those Third Level sorcerers Kotar & Sabuta race to face The Deadly Dilemma Of
Sigismund Benfriggisund! The cold war between China and Russia couldn’t get any hotter in the 1980s but one strip
that appeared in the new talent comic Preview was The Phoenix Team and that story has been much requested over
the years as the team, and the Soviet Red Star Squadron, stumble into The Evil of the Salamander and his master plan.
And more? Well, of course there is!
Black Tower Adventure 2
Language English
Pages 69
Binding Perfect-bound
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.26 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 20.98 wide x 29.69 tall
Price: £7.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days
Things begin to pick up apace as Thaddeus Twatt and Tomas go on foot to explore The Fearful Fate Of Friggia. Both, naturally,
oblivious to the mystery and action that continues in Return Of The Gods:Twilight Of The Super Heroes. In a more, uh, “fun” vein,
we learn why using reptilean DNA to replace human limbs might not be a good idea in Out On A Limb! Of course, when dealing with
criminal gangs the Crimson Cowl packs a punchline.
And how could we forget Kotar & Sabuta as they confront...The Ghost! So, you may ask, if you are old enough, “Whatever
happened to the 1980s craze for Yucca plants?” Well, we learn the deadly secret in The Day Of The Yucca!
There is also the obligatory “much, much more”!

Black Tower adventure 3
Language English
Pages 72
Binding Perfect-bound
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.27 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 20.98 wide x 29.69 tall
Price: £7.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days
Things get grim as heroes begin to fall and the truth is realised in Return Of The Gods:Twilight Of The Super
Heroes part 3. Lady Sivana and Tarot help Kotar & Sabuta tackle a nasty lycanthrope problem. With things looking
VERY grim will Thaddeus Twatt and Tomas escape The Fearful Fate Of Friggia? Ben Dilworth provides not
one -not two -THREE Purple Hood strips.
Is there more? Can there possibly be more? Don’t be silly -YES!!!!!

Black Tower Adventure 4
Language English
Pages 56
Binding Saddle-stitch
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.23 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 20.98 wide x 29.69 tall
Price: £7.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days
Krakos takes care of some burglars who have to “take the heat” in a very literal sense! The Purple Hood
deals with a suicide banker so you have to ask how that will turn out? Kotar & Sabuta rescue a young woman
in Antarctica, but what mysterious force took here there and how is it connected to Kotar? The action gathers
pace in Return Of The Gods: Twilight of the Super Heroes as more mystery enfolds those taken from
Earth…and those on Earth.
Thaddeus Twatt and nephew Tomas land on The Jungle Planet -and it looks as though this could be their
deaths as Thaddeus realises too late what has colonised the planet!
The Thinker decides that thinking alone can get a little boring while one of China's Phoenix Team has to deal
with..well, you'll see and it’s probably not what you expected!
What more could you ask for? More? You got it!

Black Tower Adventure 5
Language English
Pages 60
Binding Saddle-stitch
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.24 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 20.98 wide x 29.69 tall
Price: £7.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days
It's the penultimate part of RETURN OF THE GODS:TWILIGHT OF THE SUPER HEROES and on Earth and
in space heroes confront the invading Boarmen! Who will pay the ultimate price for defending the planet and how
many will fall on Neo Olympus?
Kotar and Sabuta try to have a quiet night in remember they are Third Level Sorcerers with enemies,
Xendragon (see Tales of Terror 1)investigates The Legacy of Frankenstein which might not be as straight forward
as it sounds.
Thaddeus Twatt and Tomas are held by the Crystallids and we hear of their origins and get a glimpse at how the
eccentric scientist may not be all he seems.
Lord of the Flies teaches a very naughty boy a lesson. No school children were harmed in the making of this comic strip.
The Iron Warrior rushes to the rescue down the Amazon way while The Bat (but probably not the one you think) and
Reverend Merriwether, God's Demon Thumper put in appearances.
Its 60 pages of Black Tower Action!
Black Tower Adventure 6
Language English
Pages 81
Binding Perfect-bound
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.29 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 20.98 wide x 29.69 tall
Price: £7.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days
Yes! It's 80 page Giant time! (Well, 81 pages)
The final chapter in Return Of The Gods:Twilight Of The Super Heroes. Everything is finally revealed as the heroes
on Neo Olympus mourn their dead and learn that one of their number must also die! Meanwhile, on Earth, things seem
to be turning more favourably….we think.
Thaddeus Twatt has brace himself certain death as his past catches up with him and he faces the Ultimate Crystallid!
The Purple Hood versus The flame! And we don’t mean he has to sort out a chip-pan fire, either.
Whatever Happened To Mark Tyme? A good question because he appears to be lost in time and one German
hero, Zeit Meister, survivor from a destroyed parallel Earth, is determined to find him.
Atomic Tommy has a slight alien problem to deal with and the Missing Link is caught up in it all.
Dr Sorrow has problems while Ben R. Dilworth takes us back to a re-telling of the origin of Runestone!
It's 80 pulse-pounding pages of graphic delineation! (plus an extra blank page because we’re keeping it real!).
Black Tower Adventure 7
Language English
Pages 60
Binding Saddle-stitch
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.24 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 20.98 wide x 29.69 tall
Price: £7.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days
The First part of a new series! How do you follow up Return Of The Gods after many heroes have died while others have gone into
seclusion or retirement and yet heroes are needed? "The Cross Earths Caper" is how! And when we say “Cross Earths” we mean
the multi-verse, time and space and….buy it and see!
In the final part of the Xendragon story our hero confronts the Legacy of Frankenstein and things could get from very bad to
fatally bad.
And following his confrontation with the Ultimate Crystallid there are tragic if not fatal consequences for Thaddeus Twatt in the
final part of The Jungle Planet.
Silvermaigne tracks down a vampyre. The Thinker over thinks and Dilworth’s re-telling of the origin of Runestone continues apace.
Oh. And more. Well, of course there is!
Black Tower Adventure 8
Language English
Pages 58
Binding Saddle-stitch
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.24 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 20.98 wide x 29.69 tall
Price: £7.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days
At last! After cameo appearances in Tales of Terror and one strip over the last twenty years, Herbert Kirby’s
THE PHANTOM DETECTIVE returns in two tales to horrify!
Plus, The Thinker...thinks DOOM! He over stresses at times but we see that as him just being a kind of cosmic
pressure release valve (he does tend to fart). Meanwhile, having discovered the Iron Warrior in the African jungle,
three adventurers are about to get a shock that ends in a loud “Bang!”
In the UK a wizened old man offers to give a rather over inebriated Kelvin Nolan his helmet -which creates a few
misunderstandings in Kelvin Nolan and His Helmet of Power! Runestone, with the help of his science pal, George,
begins to test the rune stone that has embedded itself in his hand and is in for a few surprises.
In The Cross-Earths Caper (pt.2) Bristol is, quite virtually, The Wild, Wild West Country..and Selenites threaten to
destroy Earth with a huge interplanetary cannon. Why? Well, maybe a misunderstanding but have no fear –Earth’s
finest from the 1920s have been unfrozen and are ready to fight. Thought that ought to be mentioned.
Black Tower Adeventure 9
Language English
Pages 65
Binding Saddle-stitch
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.25 kg Dimensions (centimetres)
Price: £7.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days
This is it!!
Yes, the one that someone has been waiting for! It may well have been you but you just never realised it.
Runestone gets to try out his new powers as he faces...The Beast of Exmoor! And believe us this ain’t no
puma or leopard. That might be weird enough but this Beast is a tool of the Celtic dark god himself!
Kelvin Jones gets to try out his shiny Helmet of Power and by this point some may ask if he’s capable of even using a
TV remote control.
Our heroes are on a parallel Moon and fighting off Selenites in The Cross Earths Caper! And their new mysterious companion,
“Bob” deisplays some super human abilities leading to the question: who the hell is “Bob”??
Kotar has his hands full in a solo adventure while Lady Silana faces a demon of her own. The quest for the Iron Warrior
continues in the Amazon and this one has a few surprises for our lady adventurers.
There is a prequel to two British Golden Age comic strips in Return To Lost Man's Gulch and more...including The
Thinker and The Phantom Detective -all in the UKs TOP SUPER HERO-ACTION COMIC!
Black Tower Adventure 10
Language English
Pages 54
Binding Saddle-stitch
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.23 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 20.98 wide x 29.69 tall
Price: £7.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days
The 10th and final issue of volume 2!
Our three lady adventurers are in the Amazon and have encountered the ape-men but are they ready for Rodney
Dearth and his Iron Warrior to return?
The Cross Earths Caper concludes and for one hero it is the parting of the ways and two others face life altering
situations and many months away…only to find on their Earth they were hardly gone a few seconds. Ben Dilworth
concludes the re-telling of Runestone's origin.
There are lots of other goodies and this issue guest stars a gun-toting crime-buster that Elliott Ness would love -
The Clock! Sit back and read Ben Dilworth’s crime-busting tale –it’s far better for you than the internet! Its just too much fun!