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Sunday 30 August 2020

Here We Go! Here We Go! (No idea where though)

If you purchase a copy of the 80pp Black Tower Super Heroes it will cost £6.00 in the UK sales I get £1.25(Euro 1.40)  and from US sales £1.35(Euro 1,50). That is it. The rest goes to the Print On Demand (POD) company and the printer.

Oh, if I sell a copy to the US then I get to pay US taxes on that so....

Because of a problem caused by the POD in which it corrupted my Source File, I note that today, the £10.00 (Euro 11.00) I would have made from sales of the Ultimate D-Gruppe gone. Refunded because my POD are morons who seriously have no idea how to run a business ( if you need to know).

The single issues and Annual are still available. I will not be going through the process of creating a new file for the UltimateCollection since the POD have absolutely no idea why the file (that I have printed a good few copiesfrom) will not print. Well, they know it is THEIR fault but since I have been with them (2009) thay NEVER accept responsibility for their faults: it is always the publishers fault.

Oh, they DO admit it when you threaten action via the Better Business Bureau.

Anyway, I was looking at all the books on the online store and then checked stats for Twitter, Pinyterest, Face Book and the other "social media" I use and we are talking thousands per month. To me it makes no sense: why constantly check out Black Tower Comics and Books posts if you have no interest in even buying a copy of the cheapest book?

I am not even going to go into the many thousands of views from feeds and so on that I have no control over.

Should I increase my book prices because at one point I put the prices so low that I would have gotten "0" back had there been sales. I have tried special offers, free give-a-ways and anything else I could think of. No takers.

Yes, I did try all the "go fund me" type services out there. Not a single person interested.

I tried PayPalMe for donations on Comic Bits Online -one donation (from a friend so it was returned) and that was it in...7 years?

I even tried the odd video and they got good views. Nothing.

Which makes publishing pretty depressing but it seems to get backing you either have to be an attractive female flashing some skin (DON'T even arguie about that because you would look stupid as they exist in gaming, modelling (hobbies), small farming, detectorist and comic and action figues videos -go look) or be someone who babbles on for 20 minutes about nothing in particular, but adding the occasional "I'm on Patreon", before doing what he is supposed to be doing and constantly apologising for getting everything wrong!

Crazy world.

Anyway, I decided that I would babble on a little as I'm trying to see whether the very old -very old- PC is going to work long enough for some lettering I need to do.

Tomorrow I get to work on the final pages for Black Tower Super Heroes No. 8 (No. 7 should be out soon) so that I can publish The Green Skies -all three parts in one go as no good publishing part I and the computer going...and parts II and III never seeing daylight!

While I can I am taking questions and queries on the Black Tower Face Book page -it is open so no need to join and you can message me there privately.

So, give supporting a little thought, please.

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