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Wednesday 9 February 2011

XIII:Full Red

Authors: Vance & Van Hamme
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: January 2011
ISBN: 9781849180658

XIII, Jones and Betty Barnowsky escaped the deadly trap set by Colonel McCall. Lost in a hostile jungle, they must now make their way back to America. And they must be quick: In Washington, every ally the fugitives ever had has been arrested in preparation for the conspirators’ master stroke, coinciding with a general exercise of all American armed forces: Operation Full Red. Suddenly, XIII’s quest becomes a last-ditch fight for the freedom of an entire nation.

Assassinations and a B-I-G conspiracy and even XIIIs boss, General Carrington falls hook, line and sinker into the trap set for him.  Yikes!  JONES GETS SHOT!! Seriously, no puerile bad language or OTT  blood explosions.  The story keeps you guessing and you seriously do not know what van Hamme is going to pull out of the box next.

And as for William Vance’s art?  It cannot be faulted. There is superb use of colour to set a scene and, of course, some beautiful but very tough females. 

Just the type of “upper” you need on a dull, rainy morning.

If you have not found out yet just why XIII is such an international hit don’t jump in here! Get the first volume and prepare to spend some hard cash for the other books!

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