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Thursday 4 June 2020

A Few Thoughts While I wait For Food...oh, I Have to Cook it...

The problem that we have at this moment, as Independent publishers, is the total and utter lack of interest from the "comics buying public". I use Twitter, Pinterest and other social media as well as the blogs and Face Book pages to promote books.

Even my Twitter account has seen a sudden upsurge of views again but no one is buying.

When it was announced that Marvel and DC comics had stopped publishing bevcause of Covid19 and the mess Diamond was in, people started shouting out that NOW was the time the Independent comics would come into their own. I urged Small Press/Indie publishers to share links to one anothers sites and told as many as possible that if we all combined (it would take a few minutes at the keyboards) we could really get the attention of comic buyers.

I got two "Likes" and no comments. No reactions. No "Okay what do we do?" Simple silence and since then we have seen publishers quit. For years I heard these people bleat on about the fact that no blogs would fairly review their books or even mention them and yto each one of those bleaters I said "Comic Bits Online".  "Oh I'll post something to you" resulted in 90% of those never sending review books. Even now they and their successors are bleating the same old tune.

You need to promote. You NEED to get people to understand you are out there publishing and what you are publishing. Marvel Comics would never have been the success it was had it not been for the fact that Stan Lee understood this -DC could never catch up with Marvel because it never had a Lee just suits who tried to avoid fans.

The problem is that no one wants to do the work. You don't publicise you are at an event then who knows you will be there? Events tend to have lots of tables with comics and you know a few of them will have promoted their appearance!  Standing back, silently looking on as someone approaches your good. You need to engage. Talk. Get them while their attention is caught.

I am not in the least surprised at the state of British comics because almost every 'professional' is back-stabbing or causing arguments and trouble.  It is why you find them on almost all the forums or trying to spy on what others are doing.  This is why they come up with very little comic work. My day starts in the morning checking emails and responding to messages and then I go straight into editing, scanning and publishing and promoting books -often until 02:00 hours or beyond. That is leaving out the writing and drawing etc....or the research I constantly carry out for books or on comics (UK and German) history.

When I get asked by someone what publishing involves I tell them: "A lot of work. Sorting pout technical problems, sorting out problems with printers -just a lot of work for very little reward" I then add: "Unless you have the mentality for that: do not get into publishing" I also invariably point out that unless they have a paying full time job or wealthy parents to support them then they need to get used to eating poorly and struggling with bills!  Hey -if they still want to be in comics after that...bless 'em!

But never, ever ever depend on others because if you do you are for a lot of sorrow or/and trouble. You need to make surethat you can do what you intend to and NEVER publish a series unless you have all the parts in front of you, I am still waiting for 3rd, 4th and even 5th issues to Indie comic series I purchased in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s into the 2000s! my books -advice costs money you know!

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