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Sunday 7 February 2021

I Am Still Here. I Am Alive....I am alive-?

There are currently 172 books on the online store and soon Black Tower Super Heroes No. 8 will be ready -and it will be one for those interested in the British Golden Age!

It's taken a while due to getting books ready to publish, publishing Beyond UFO Contact, as well as finishing off The Green Skies Vol. 3 parts I, II and III -in fact all three of those books were ready months ago and are just waiting for BTSH 8

Incidentally, apparently good old fashioned horse compost is good for hiding things from alien scanning. Word.

Arthritic hands and the eye problems mean I need to take things slow although every day I still get more and more ideas but there is only me doing thios....oh, and some fella over in Japan 😂

Still no questions or queries from anyone out there which never surprises me these days -oh for the days of being inundated with locs (letters of comment)!

In the next month or so the book total on the store front will be 176 and these range in price and, again, I need to point out that there is NO overseas shipping costs: the books ordered are printed in the regionordered from so you pay the local rates.

Books on UFOs, ghosts, cryptozoology, wildlife and even of comic creator interviews. Graphic novels, comic albums (page count over 48), comics -the store has them. The prices are kept low (the printers refuse to print without getting paid 😲😲) to encourage new readers or people interested in supporting Independent comics but are short of cash (been there. Done that).

Various genres from crime, super heroes, adventure, science fiction, horror and ghost stories -comic strip as well as illustrated text stories.  

You will not find these books in comic stores because they are castrated by monopoly distributors who ONLY want Marvel, DC and Image comics on shelves. 

I have checked every third party site allegedly selling Black Tower books and I can tell you "post free" is an outright lie -they have to order from my store and once the book gets to them they then have to get it to the buyer and they add anywhere from £10/$10 upwards. So there is a price hike to cover postage as well as get a profit AND a delay in getting a book. Also, something goes wrong it has nothing to do with me -you buy from a third party you take your chances.

If you have questions then leave a comment.


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