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Tuesday 17 July 2018

Explain, Explain....

Let me explain something to you.

If you announce book deletions and then get a couple of comments "Oh. I was going to buy those books, too!" You know two things for certain:

1) the person writing that comment had NO intention of buying a copy of the book. He is an arschloch.  7-10 years a book was online and 'really' got him interested but "meh". Right. Arschloch.

2) the person writing that comment gets a life long ban from commenting. They can visit the blog but never comment again.

Most publishers who delete books get 2-3 of these comments every time.  Could well be the same person commenting three times under different names. I once called the bluff of such a person: I offered the book that was deleted that he "really, really wanted to get" at a 50% discount. Nothing. I got in touch again -post free. Nothing.

Be aware: act an ass you get treated like an ass.

The book deletions are being carried out for a number of reasons.  One is that there was a great hue and cry of support for rare and impossible to get hold of British Diamond and Golden Ages comic strips to be collected and published in single volumes. these were Very reasonable priced books considering how much it cost me to buy the contents material first then spend weeks tidying and cleaning pages. Some of those volumes were first published in 2011-2012. No sales.

So I decided pulling in all the volumes as one big Ultimate Collection and at a price that was FAR cheaper than buying individual volumes. That was 2013. No sales.  So all of those on the Yahoo and Face Book Golden Ages pages (totalling a few hundred) who so desperately wanted to see this material were not that sincere and, yes, I made the situation very clear when asked if there would be any more collections coming: "Have you bought any of the books because there have been no sales showing.  You buy and I'll think of future volumes".

For a while the single volumes will still be available then deletions.

If books have not sold a single copy since 2010 then they are books no one wants to buy and the suggestion that I ought to offer the books as free downloads gets a far, far ruder response from me.

Then "Can I buy a copy from you directly and get it signed?"

No do not even ask.

There is another point that people seem to forget. You see, Black Tower Comics & Books is my company. Only one person has a say in plans and decisions affecting BTCG and that is me.  It is not the business of anyone else and I do not really care what whomever said where -they ain't buying the books; remember that.

Clear enough?

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