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Friday 6 March 2020

Coming Up In 2020/2021

Now the one thing that I tend to insist on is that a book must give value for money. Using the current Print On Demand I go for the best cover stock which is a durable light card and the interior stock also has to be durable.

If someone is going to spend their money on a book they ouight to at least expect a quality product.

You might think!
I have been at events where people have actually said: "It's very high quality" and "Very professional looking" and this ios not said as a compliment.  The words come with a look of disdain and that expression you get when you think you've stepped onto something a dog has left behind!  I used to get quite paranoid about this until I realised that up to the Small Press publications around me on other tables my books were very professional.

Also, I referred to my books as "stock"...almost causing fainting.

I am in the business to produce and sell comics at an affordable price and to a certain standard. I'm not doing this as a hobby or side-line.  Mummy and Daddy are not subsidizing me. My comics are stock to be sold.

Now I am adaptable and, yes, I did think about printing the comics with the same paper stock as the interior.  The POD will NOT allow that. You MUST have a cover. There is an option I am looking at to get around this, however, this would involve people buying from me directly.

The items I have managed to sell and make money on (not a lot but still a profit is a profit) have been zines -small press comics. It is almost as though certain groups cannot see beyond a roughly photocopied comic and one professionally printed. I think that Ben Dilworth has proven that you can make smaller (US comic size) books but the page count is a little too low at 20.

But I am giving this thought since pro-looking books don't sell.

Also, I have been looking at the possibility of thereturn of Comic Bits as a publication. Comic Bits Online is set to vanish after the SDCC date unless something revolutionary happens -such as advertising that pays or support from some of the thousands who visit it daily. So iIhave been thinking of CB going back to its roots -it won't have millions of readers like CBO and it might not sell but what's the difference?

As I look at the possibilities I will update. But changes really DO need to be made.

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