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Tuesday 24 February 2015

The Death Of Professor Thaddeus Twatt

Even after a few years these scenes (from what was meant to be a jolly eccentric British inventor series) get me.  I'm old is my excuse.  Before all of this happened/happens Thaddeus will be seen in 1942 Blitzed Bristol hunting Won't tell!

 Basically, when I drew this I wanted to wind everything up and leave no loose ends as I didn't think I was going to last long -it shows in the work and it's why Return was so short. Concluded. No dead ends. Anyway, enjoy!

Here for Mr Stransky:


  1. Wow. I have to say that was a very powerful piece of writing there, two thumbs up. The rocket at the end, shooting off with Tomas and the dead Thaddeus into the mini-Twattverse is very poignant. Tomas is now literally lost in space with no-one for help or guidance. What an ending. Thanks for posting this, Terry. I hope it'll encourage people to buy the 2 Thaddeus Twatt books you've got on your lulu spotlight site.

  2. Welllllll, there are more than a few secrets hinted at regarding Thaddeus -basically in the first adventure and later and in the Crystallids look back (or forward) origin there is a MAJOR clue. Very symbolic end at the time No, you'll have to wait!
